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Dispositions Reflection



The professional dispositions are something that I feel fairly confident in, for the most part. I always held myself to very high professional standards throughout student teaching. The professional dispositions were helpful to look at prior to the semester's beginning so that I had some sort of idea of what was going to be expected of me. My professional goals are directly linked to the professional dispositions because it allows me to see what defines a high quality, competent educator, something that I was trying to embody. 


The two standards that I feel most confident in are initiative and dependability and cultural responsiveness. I feel as though I took on a great deal of initiative throughout student teaching. From the very first day of school on, I took over complete control of my classes that I was teaching. I also made a great deal of our class work myself, including several assessments. I never unexcused absence throughout student teaching and was consistently making myself available for my students outside of class time, including email correspondence and individual Google Meets. Cultural responsiveness and curating an environment of inclusivity are things that I always made sure to prioritize in my actions and demeanor as an educator. I wanted each and every one of my students to feel as though that my class was somewhere they felt safe and welcomed in, regardless of individual identities. I also prioritized diversity in my curriculum itself, so that my students were exposed to a wide variety of perspectives in Civics and Psychology. 


One disposition that I feel as though I have more room to grow in is the Collegiality and Responsiveness category, mostly due to the circumstances of the pandemic. I did not have a lot of opportunity to work with many of the other staff in the building throughout the semester as many of them were working from home and also the various COVID-19 related restrictions that were put in place. 



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"Among the many purposes of schooling, four stand out to us as having special moral value: to love and care, to serve, to empower and, of course, to learn"


― Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan

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