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Standard 3 

Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment that facilitates learning for their students.  


Standard III Reflection.

ELEMENT A: Teachers demonstrate knowledge about the ways in which learning takes place, including the levels of intellectual, physical, social and emotional development of their students. â€‹

Reasoning Statement



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ELEMENT B: Teachers use formal and informal methods to assess student learning, provide feedback, and use results to inform planning and instruction.​

Reasoning Statement



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ELEMENT C: Teachers integrate and utilize appropriate available technology to engage students in higher level thinking skills.​

Reasoning Statement



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ELEMENT D: Teachers establish and communicate high expectations and use processes, such as questioning, to support the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.​

Reasoning Statement



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ELEMENT E: Teachers provide students with opportunities to work in teams and develop leadership qualities.​

Reasoning Statement



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ELEMENT F: Teachers communicate effectively, making learning objectives clear and providing appropriate models of language. â€‹

Reasoning Statement



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Artifacts and Rationale Statements
1 point for each artifact; 2 points for each rationale statement (student teaching expectation)

For each element, include one artifact from student teaching with accompanying rational/reasoning statements.

  • The artifact:
    - Is a physical, tangible, creative representation of something you have done within student teaching to demonstrate progress towards proficiency for that element.
    - Is not a summary statement describing an activity within student teaching.

  • The rational/reasoning statement will include:
    - How this particular artifact is connected to that element
    - What YOUR role as a teacher candidate is/was, as it relates to the artifact

Reflection Statements for Each Standard
6 points for each standard reflection (student teaching expectation)

Include a final overall reflection for each standard

Standard reflections should answer the following question:  What level (accomplished, proficient, developing, or emergent) do you believe you have achieved at this point with regard to the standard?
Standard reflections should include:

  • Direct connections to the standard (does not necessarily need to address each individual element)

  • Impact on your growth as a teacher

  • Impact on your students as learners

  • A description of the PROFESSIONAL GOALS you have set for yourself as a result of your reflection

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"Among the many purposes of schooling, four stand out to us as having special moral value: to love and care, to serve, to empower and, of course, to learn"


― Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan

© My Teaching Portfolio by Jade Felthoven. Proudly created with

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