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  • Writer's pictureJade Felthoven

Interactive Tech Tools: Class Dojo

Hi all! Today's post will be about the interactive tech tool Class Dojo. Class Dojo is "a great resource for teachers to have in the classroom. It is also a great resource for connecting with parents and allowing for parents to be involved in their student’s learning". Enjoy!


Here is Sienna's screen cast!


Class Dojo is something I could definitely see myself using as a teacher. As an educator who really prioritizes building a community in their classroom, Class Dojo seems like a really awesome tool. Class Dojo is a safe way for teachers, students, and parents to all communicate, which is always necessary in a productive learning environment. 95% of US schools use Class Dojo, according to their website. Better yet, it is free!


Check out Class Dojo at!

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