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  • Writer's pictureJade Felthoven

Privacy & Security

Welcome back to my Teaching Toolbox! This post will be about Internet Privacy and Security. Enjoy!


Am I the only educator who reads "Internet Privacy and Security" and breaks out in a cold sweat and just thinks "ahhhhhh!". Trying to understand the ins and outs of internet privacy can be so, so daunting. Our "digital footprint" is so vast that it can be nerve-wracking just to think about; social media posts, official records, internet cookies, search history, saved passwords, and many, many more things are apart of the wealth of information that exists about us online. While all of this may seem daunting, it is so important to understand the finer points of privacy and security from not only an educators point of view, but as an individual in general.

Within Social Studies, I will encourage my students to read the private policy of all of the websites we may use so they know what exactly is protected. I also hope to work closely with the media specialist assigned to the school I work at so that I can know more about what digital sites and tools are approved for use within the district. Most of all, I plan to consistently exert the due diligence necessary for maintaining digital privacy and security for both myself and my students.


Check out these resources on Privacy and Security from my colleagues!

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